
Sandia Labs News Releases

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Most Promising Engineer of the Year honor goes to Sandia scientist

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories research and development manager Bishnu Khanal was recently honored with the Most Promising Asian American Engineer of the Year award for his work in next-generation optical lithography process development for numerous technologies, along with his deep-reaching community service. According to Asian American Engineer of the Year, Khanal was selected […]

Sandia researcher wins career achievement award from Asian technical society

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers has selected Sandia National Laboratories materials scientist Hongyou Fan to receive its 2022 Career Achievement Award. “It is evident that you embody the reason SASE created this category, and we are proud to present you this award,” wrote the organization’s CEO and Executive Director Khanh […]

Scientists chip away at a metallic mystery, one atom at a time

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Gray and white flecks skitter erratically on a computer screen. A towering microscope looms over a landscape of electronic and optical equipment. Inside the microscope, high-energy, accelerated ions bombard a flake of platinum thinner than a hair on a mosquito’s back. Meanwhile, a team of scientists studies the seemingly chaotic display, searching […]

Creating diamonds to shed light on the quantum world

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Diamonds are a scientist’s best friend. That much is at least true for physicist Andy Mounce, whose work with diamond quantum sensors at Sandia National Laboratories has earned him the DOE’s Early Career Research Award. As a scientist in Sandia’s Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, he specializes in making microscopic sensors to try […]

Sandia wins 5 R&D 100 awards and a silver specialty award

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Competing in an international pool of universities, corporations and government labs, Sandia National Laboratories researchers captured four R&D 100 Awards this year and supported a fifth. One entry also won the R&D 100’s Special Recognition Market Disrupter Silver Award. R&D World Magazine — formerly R&D Magazine — presents the awards each year […]

Through the quantum looking glass

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An ultrathin invention could make future computing, sensing and encryption technologies remarkably smaller and more powerful by helping scientists control a strange but useful phenomenon of quantum mechanics, according to new research recently published in the journal Science. Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of […]

Propelling wind energy innovation

LIVERMORE, Calif. — Motivated by the need to eliminate expensive rare-earth magnets in utility-scale direct-drive wind turbines, Sandia National Laboratories researchers developed a fundamentally new type of rotary electrical contact. Sandia is now ready to partner with the renewable energy industry to develop the next generation of direct-drive wind turbines. Sandia’s Twistact technology takes a […]

Pipelines for progress

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories is sharpening its focus on select historically Black colleges and universities with its Securing Top Academic Research and Talent, or START, program. START builds academic partnerships that align with Sandia’s mission needs to fuel research collaboration and expose prospective underrepresented students to cutting-edge national laboratory work. In turn, Sandia […]

Back to the drawing board: Reinventing offshore wind turbines

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Brandon Ennis, Sandia National Laboratories’ offshore wind technical lead, had a radically new idea for offshore wind turbines: instead of a tall, unwieldy tower with blades at the top, he imagined a towerless turbine with blades pulled taut like a bow. This design would allow the massive generator that creates electricity from […]

Sandia Science & Tech Park continues to strengthen economy

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A new, independent report concluded that the Sandia Science & Technology Park continues to be a major contributor to Albuquerque’s regional economy. Since it was established in 1998, companies and organizations in the research park have paid nearly $7.2 billion in wages and generated more than $4 billion in taxable personal consumption, […]

“We’ve Got the Power”: Sandia technology test delivers electricity to the grid

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — For the first time, Sandia National Laboratories researchers delivered electricity produced by a new power-generating system to the Sandia-Kirtland Air Force Base electrical grid. The system uses heated supercritical carbon dioxide instead of steam to generate electricity and is based on a closed-loop Brayton cycle. The Brayton cycle is named after 19th […]

Can an algorithm teach scientists to write better quantum computer programs?

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — While quantum computers could someday revolutionize technology, a single slip of an atom can cause a malfunction. Scientists around the world are figuring out what causes these errors, and it turns out sometimes they stem from the way code in a program is arranged. Timothy Proctor, a quantum physicist at Sandia, is […]

Employee honored for disability inclusion, advocacy

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Heather Spalding, a business lead at Sandia National Laboratories, was recently recognized as an Employee of the Year by CAREERS & the disABLED magazine for her advocacy efforts, professional accomplishments, community outreach initiatives and more. In its 30th year, the award spotlights the professional and personal achievements of outstanding individuals with disabilities. Spalding […]

Sandia applied mathematician wins DOE Early Career Research Award

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Examination of very fine real-world data can improve the fidelity by which complex computer simulations are guided, says Sandia National Laboratories applied mathematician Pete Bosler. He investigates multiscale simulations that, integrated, could combine individual raindrops, thunderstorms and the entire global atmosphere, guided by data currently thought too fine to be used, that […]

Radar gets a major makeover

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — If radars wore pants, a lot of them would still be sporting bell-bottoms. Significant aspects of radar haven’t fundamentally changed since the 1970s, said Kurt Sorensen, a senior manager who oversees the development of high-performance radio frequency imaging technologies at Sandia National Laboratories. Like a record player, most military-grade systems are still […]