
Sandia Labs News Releases

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Longtime Sandia leader named second-in-charge of national security lab

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —The board of managers of the contractor that manages and operates Sandia National Laboratories, has named labs veteran D.E. “Dori” Ellis as deputy director of the country’s largest national laboratory effective June 28. The National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC Board of Managers named Ellis to succeed David Douglass, who is […]

Sandia launches a bus into space

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories recently launched a bus into space. Not the kind with wheels that go round and round, but the kind of device that links electronic devices (a USB cable, short for “universal serial bus,” is one common example). The bus was among 16 total experiments aboard two sounding rockets that […]

Terrorist, timed scenarios challenge bomb squads at Sandia’s Robot Rodeo

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Bomb squad teams from New Mexico and beyond are converging at Sandia National Laboratories for a five-day Robot Rodeo and Capability Exercise where emergency preparedness skills will be put to the test. Twelve challenges for 10 military and civilian teams have been set up for the 13th annual event that provides opportunities […]

National security, science collaboration bolstered by new agreement

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Mexico are joining forces to bolster national security and advance science and engineering with an agreement signed this week. “Once we have that umbrella in place, it opens the knowledge cache of both institutions — our scientific researchers collaborating with UNM’s — so that […]

High-speed experiments improve hypersonic flight predictions

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — When traveling at five times the speed of sound or faster, the tiniest bit of turbulence is more than a bump in the road, said the Sandia National Laboratories aerospace engineer who for the first time characterized the vibrational effect of the pressure field beneath one of these tiny hypersonic turbulent spots. […]

Breakthroughs in neuromorphic computing demonstrate high computing efficiency, performance

LIVERMORE, Calif. — As the demands on computers are rapidly changing to more data-centric tasks — such as image processing, voice recognition or autonomous driving functions — there quickly arises a need for greater computing efficiencies. Given the limitations of traditional computing, scientists and commercial manufacturers have focused on the field of neuromorphic computing, which mimics […]

Students applaud Manos science spotlight

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Many of us can thank a teacher or mentor who early in our lives ignited a passion in us for our current professions. For nearly 30 years, Sandia National Laboratories’ Manos — or “hands-on” — program has provided that spark for science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, fields in thousands of […]

Future hypersonics could be artificially intelligent

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A test launch for a hypersonic weapon — a long-range missile that flies a mile per second and faster — takes weeks of planning. So, while the U.S. and other states are racing to deploy hypersonic technologies, it remains uncertain how useful the systems will be against urgent, mobile or evolving threats. […]

Nanomaterials researcher wins mid-career research award

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories materials scientist Hongyou Fan is the sole recipient of this year’s Mid-Career Researcher Award from the Materials Research Society, the largest materials society in the United States. The distinction is given midway in a researcher’s career for exceptional achievements in materials research and for notable leadership in the field. […]

Fields of gold

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — On a drive around Sandia National Laboratories, ecologist Jennifer Payne sees more than wide-open desert, grasslands, cacti and dirt. She notices tiers of soil that have experienced stress, looks closely at the height and spacing of vegetation and recites the Latin names of native New Mexico plants and where they belong. “No […]

Mirage software automates design of optical metamaterials

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — New software lets users design science-fiction-like materials with the same efficiency that architects draft building plans. Watch a preview of Mirage, software developed by Sandia to make optical engineering (relatively) easy. The cubes in the video are blueprints of meta-atoms, nanosized building blocks that give metamaterials their distinctive, unusual properties valued for […]

Sandia spiking tool improves artificially intelligent devices

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Whetstone, a software tool that sharpens the output of artificial neurons, has enabled neural computer networks to process information up to a hundred times more efficiently than the current industry standard, say the Sandia National Laboratories researchers who developed it. The aptly named software, which greatly reduces the amount of circuitry needed […]

700,000 submunitions demilitarized by Sandia-designed robotics system

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — More than 700,000 Multiple Launch Rocket System submunitions have been demilitarized since the Army started using an automated nine-robot system conceptualized, built and programmed by Sandia National Laboratories engineers. “This is by far the most complex, automated robotic demilitarization system that Sandia has built in the last 20 years,” said computer scientist […]

Hear ye, hear ye: open call for algae

LIVERMORE, Calif. — To make algae biofuels more competitive with petroleum, growers must increase productivity and keep their ponds from crashing. That’s why Sandia National Laboratories and partners are inviting participants to help in the search for the toughest algae strains and most innovative farming techniques. Though algae sometimes bloom uncontrollably in the wild, it […]

Three Sandia Labs researchers earn national honors in leadership and technology

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Three Sandia National Laboratories researchers were honored at the BEYA (Black Engineer of the Year) STEM Global Competitiveness Conference for their leadership and technological achievements. Warren Davis, Quincy Johnson and Olivia Underwood received their awards during the conference in Washington, D.C., Feb. 7-9. The annual meeting recognizes black scientists and engineers and […]