
Sandia Labs News Releases

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Sandia team designs in a new way for additive manufacturing

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A Sandia National Laboratories team built a telescope to demonstrate how to design for additive manufacturing, familiarly known as 3D printing, to take advantage of the technique’s strengths and weaknesses. Sandia’s three-year Laboratory Directed Research and Development project proved the feasibility of using additive manufacturing as an entirely new design tool, vastly […]

Raising the heat to lower the cost of solar energy

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories will receive $10.5 million from the Department of Energy to research and design a cheaper and more efficient solar energy system. The work focuses on refining a specific type of utility-scale solar energy technology that uses mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto a receiver on a tower. The […]

Riding bacterium to the bank

LIVERMORE, Calif. — What does jet fuel have in common with pantyhose and plastic soda bottles? They’re all products currently derived from petroleum. Sandia National Laboratories scientists have demonstrated a new technology based on bioengineered bacteria that could make it economically feasible to produce all three from renewable plant sources. Economically and efficiently converting tough […]

Magnetic nanoparticles leap from lab bench to breast cancer clinical trials

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories materials chemist Dale Huber has been working on the challenge of making iron-based nanoparticles the exact same size for 15 years. Now, he and his long-term collaborators at Imagion Biosystems will use these magnetic nanoparticles for their first breast cancer clinical trial later this year. The nanoparticles stick to […]

Exascale Earth-modeling system is ready to make high-fidelity predictions for energy

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An Earth modeling system developed over the last four years and unveiled Monday is expected to have one of the finest resolutions ever achieved by supercomputers simulating aspects of the planet’s climate, said Sandia National Laboratories researcher Mark Taylor, the project’s chief computational scientist. The Energy Exascale Earth System Model, E3SM, is […]

First 3-D printed wind-blade mold, energy-saving nanoparticles earn Sandia national awards

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories has won the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer’s national 2018 Technology Focus Award for designing the first wind turbine blades fabricated from a 3-D printed mold, which could dramatically shorten the time and expense of developing new wind energy technology. The labs also won FLC’s Excellence in Technology […]

Exploring Arctic clues to secure future with new Sandia, university partnership

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Arctic is undergoing rapid change, with sea ice melting and temperatures rising at a faster pace than anywhere else in the world. Its changing environment affects global security, politics, the economy and the climate. Understanding these changes is crucial for shaping and safeguarding U.S. security in the future, Sandia scientists say. […]

Effects of climate change on communally managed water systems softened by shared effort

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Shared fates and experiences in a community can help it withstand changes to water availability due to climate change, a recent study by Sandia National Laboratories researchers found. “During our research, a community’s ability to withstand natural and social pressures was routinely pinpointed to the fact that the people who live there […]

Biologically inspired membrane purges coal-fired smoke of greenhouse gases

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A biologically inspired membrane intended to cleanse carbon dioxide almost completely from the smoke of coal-fired power plants has been developed by scientists at Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Mexico. The patented work, reported recently in Nature Communications, has interested power and energy companies that would like to significantly […]

Sandia measurements expert named Asian American Engineer of the Year

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories senior scientist Hy Tran has been named a 2018 Asian American Engineer of the Year. The award is sponsored by the Chinese Institute of Engineers-USA to salute Asian-American professionals in science, technology, engineering and math who demonstrate exceptional leadership, technical achievements and public service. “I am both deeply humbled […]

Using biomimicry to detect outbreaks faster

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Our immune systems are made up of billions of white blood cells searching for signs of infections and foreign invaders, ready to raise the alarm. Sandia National Laboratories computer scientists Pat Finley and Drew Levin have been working to improve the U.S. biosurveillance system that alerts authorities to disease outbreaks by mimicking […]

Road, rail, boat: Sandia transport triathlon puts spent nuclear fuel to the test

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Spent nuclear fuel needs to be safely transported from the power plants where it is generated to interim storage locations and eventually to a permanent geologic disposal site. Late last year, Sandia National Laboratories researchers completed an eight-month, 14,500-mile triathlon-like test to gather data on the bumps and jolts spent nuclear fuel […]

New chemical mechanisms identified on road to cleaner, more efficient combustion

LIVERMORE, Calif. — Sandia National Laboratories researchers have identified key chemical mechanisms for the first time that add to the fundamental knowledge of combustion chemistry and might lead to cleaner combustion in engines. Sandia researcher Nils Hansen and former postdoctoral appointee Kai Moshammer focused on low-temperature oxidation of hydrocarbons and other alternative fuels. They identified […]

Sandia offers NM small businesses opportunity to thrive

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Offering developing New Mexico small businesses additional opportunities to compete and grow, Sandia National Laboratories has launched a 5 percent pricing preference for qualified companies. “Sometimes it’s challenging for small New Mexico businesses to compete with out-of-state companies or larger businesses,” Labs Director Steve Younger said. “We’re committed to New Mexico, and […]

Sandia researcher Jacqueline Chen elected to National Academy of Engineering

LIVERMORE, Calif. — Jacqueline Chen, a distinguished member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering. Chen is among the 99 new members from around the globe in the 2018 class. Election to the National Academy of Engineering is the highest professional distinction for an engineer […]