October 21, 2003
Sandia’s new Truman Fellowship program seeks nation’s top postdoc talent for independent, national security-related research
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories is offering the nation’s outstanding new Ph.D.s in science and engineering an opportunity to conduct independent research of their own choosing within a national security context through a new prestigious postdoctoral research fellowship.
The President Harry S. Truman Research Fellowship in National Security Science and Engineering represents a continuation of Sandia’s long-standing practice of seeking out the nation’s best science and engineering talent to work on problems of pressing national interest.
The Truman Fellowship is a three-year appointment generally commencing on Oct. 1, although exceptions can be made to accommodate special circumstances. Application deadline for the 2004 Truman Fellowship is Dec. 31, 2003. The salary is highly competitive reflecting the nature of the position(s) and may be adjusted annually.
See for more information about the Truman Fellowship.
Sandia, a U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration research and development laboratory managed for the government by the Lockheed Martin Corp., has focus areas in biotechnology; chemical and earth sciences; computing, mathematics, and information sciences; electronics and photonics; microsystems and engineering sciences; manufacturing science and technology; materials sciences; pulsed power and directed energy; and robotics and intelligent systems. In addition, Sandia has primary responsibilities in the stewardship of the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile and is playing an increasingly important role in R&D activities related to homeland security, counterterrorism, infrastructure surety, energy supply, and other current and emerging national security challenges.
Candidates for the fellowship may have expertise in any of the Labs’ research focus areas. They should have earned a Ph.D. within the past three years (or will have completed a Ph.D. by the time the appointment commences in October 2004). Applicants are expected to have solved a major scientific or engineering problem in their thesis work or will have provided a new approach or insight to a major problem, as demonstrated by a recognized impact in their field. Other eligibility criteria include U.S. citizenship and the ability to obtain a DOE “Q” security clearance. Applicants must be seeking their first national laboratory appointment.
In their application package, candidates should present a research proposal (of no more than 10 pages plus appendices) describing the scientific importance of the proposed work and a description of the research plan and data to be obtained. The proposal should be written for a broad technical audience. Application packages will be reviewed and candidates interviewed by a team of Sandia senior scientists and engineers. Sandia’s Chief Technology Officer will make the final selection.
Sandia’s Truman Fellowship honors the memory of President Harry Truman, who challenged Sandia at its founding as an independent laboratory in 1949 to provide “exceptional service in the national interest.”
Says Laboratory science and technology manager Chuck Meyers, “We want to attract the top researchers and provide an environment where they can build a laboratory, work in a strong team setting, and create the new science and engineering the nation needs to address the national security challenges of the 21st century. The flexibility to pursue any line of research that fits within Sandia’s national security mission space represents an unparalleled opportunity to develop truly new and innovative ideas. Truman Fellows also have the potential to advance those ideas through development and testing by collaborating with Sandia’s major programs.”
The number of appointments per year is limited. Candidates not selected as Truman Fellows may be considered for other employment opportunities within the Labs.
For information about the Truman Fellowship and the application process, visit the Truman Fellowship Web site at
For more details on the Truman Fellowship, including specifics on how to apply, please read the PDF document at
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. With main facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major research and development responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies, and economic competitiveness.
Sandia media contact: Bill Murphy,, (505) 845-0845