July 8, 2004
Sandia partners with DOE in science education initiative
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Science Education Initiative announced today by U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham will have strong support from Sandia National Laboratories, which already has a long history of community, hands-on science learning programs.
"We are proud to be a partner in this effort," said Sandia President and Labs Director C. Paul Robinson. "Although each Department of Energy laboratory has its particular educational programs, this initiative will enable more meaningful partnerships as well as the timely sharing of successful programs with each other. We applaud Secretary Abraham and look forward to this exciting yet challenging opportunity."
Among the many successful hands-on programs at Sandia, a Department of Energy laboratory managed by Lockheed Martin Corp, are Family Science Night and Fun in the Sun programs, which have engaged more than 4,000 elementary students at 54 schools in New Mexico and California, with 40 percent of the events being bilingual. Another is the Excellence in Science Teaching Awards (ESTe) program, which has recognized 37 outstanding science teachers in New Mexico since its inception in 2001. The program will be expanded to California in 2005.
"This is all about increasing our students' interest in science, math, and engineering as well as demonstrating the wonder of discovery through hands-on activities," said Mim John, vice president of Sandia's California site. "Sandia is committed to actively assisting our educators and teaming with them to ensure they have the professional development and support they need to succeed in their critical role of educating our future — our youth."
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies, and economic competitiveness.
Media Contacts: John German, 505-844-5199, ; Mike Janes, 925-294-2447,
Education Outreach Contact: Mike DeWitte, 505-2845201,