May 17, 2006

Sandia, Next Generation Economy, Inc., New Mexico Business Roundtable to host first ImagiNANOvation™ Workshop

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The first of a series of seminars to examine the ideas, trends, people and practices in the education arena, called ImagiNANOvation™ Workshops will be held at the TVI Workforce Training Center on Thursday, May 25. This all-day workshop will include about 40 students, teachers, administrators, business leaders, and parents.

The goal of the workshop is to discover ways to ensure that the United States maintains its current leadership in science and technology for future generations in an ever more competitive world. A large part of today’s and tomorrow’s fast growing economy will be the research, development, and production of consumer products using Microsystems and Nanotechnology.

The first seminar will provide an opportunity to learn more about the future of Microsystems and Nanotechnology and for participants to engage in critical discussions on student, teacher, and business issues and needs. Attendees will also brainstorm the design future classroom spaces; discuss and recommend improvements in teacher preparation and professional development; and help define the skill sets and capabilities necessary for high school students to succeed in society, in higher education, and in the workplace.

Future ImagiNANOvation™ Workshops will be devoted to other education and workforce development issues.

The Next Generation Economy (NextGen) is the first organization of its type in new Mexico and one of just a handful in the U.S. that are thinking differently about economic development by focusing on innovation. Next Gen is building a stronger, innovation-based economy for New Mexico that is dynamic and diversified, is competitive in domestic and global markets, and utilizes our region’s unique assets as the basis for prosperity.

The mission of the New Mexico Business Roundtable for Educational Excellence (NMBREE) is to provide information, leadership, and advocacy on issues of school improvement in New Mexico.

For additional information on this and future workshops, call Larry Langley, President and CEO of NMBREE, at 822-5500.

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Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies, and economic competitiveness.

Sandia media contact: Michael Padilla,, (505) 284-5325