August 22, 2006

Sandia’s community contributions surpass $15 million

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Lockheed Martin Corporation on behalf of Sandia National Laboratories has contributed more than $15 million to Albuquerque-area community organizations since Lockheed Martin became manager of the laboratory Oct. 1, 1993.

Most of the contributions have helped organizations that encourage the educational development of youth and work to improve life in communities where Sandia employees live and work. Contributions have been made primarily in five areas: education, arts and culture, civic and public interest, health and human services, and volunteerism. More than 70 percent of the funds have gone toward students from kindergarten through undergraduate studies and teacher professional development, especially in the areas of science, engineering, and math.

Sandia is a National Nuclear Security Administration laboratory.

Sandia also supports local business organizations that have a broad, positive impact on the quality of life in the greater Albuquerque area. In addition, Sandians volunteered more than 100,000 hours last year on community projects ranging from Habitat for Humanity, Joy Junction, Make a Difference Day, and the Roadrunner Food Bank.

“Sandia and Sandians take pride in being a part of our community,” said Bruce Fetzer, director of Sandia’s Public Relations & Communications Center. “Helping where we can, whether it’s preparing our youth for a brighter future or making Albuquerque a great place to live, is vitally important to Sandia.”

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Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies, and economic competitiveness.

Sandia news media contact: Michael Padilla,, (505) 284-5325