May 10, 2007

Sandia backs Intel International Science & Engineering Fair with volunteers, internship offers, a scholarship, and more

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —Sandia National Laboratories is backing the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2007 in Albuquerque next week in a number of ways.

“Science and engineering are the foundations of our country’s future security and prosperity,” says Rick Stulen, Sandia VP for Science, Technology, & Engineering. “We have a duty to help inspire and encourage students to go into technical fields. Participating in the Intel ISEF is one way for us to give back to the educational community and ultimately help our students succeed.”

ISEF complements Sandia’s year-round community and education outreach efforts, says Ted Wolff of Sandia’s Community Involvement Department. Most of Sandia’s community outreach programs have a strong science component with the goal of nurturing a new generation of scientists and engineers.

At least nine 2007 Intel ISEF student participants have worked at Sandia as interns, have participated in Lab outreach programs, or have Sandia employees as parents or mentors.

“Having the Intel ISEF in Albuquerque generates enthusiasm and passion for science that will carry over long after the event,” says Wolff.

Undoubtedly, he says, some who participate in science fairs will continue to develop as professional scientists and engineers. Those who don’t will be better informed citizens in a world where science and engineering are driving forces, he says.

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Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies, and economic competitiveness.

Sandia news media contact: John German,, (505) 844-5199