March 6, 2006

Applications sought for 3rd Annual Technology Showcase & Business Matchmaking Event

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories and the City of Albuquerque are hosting the 3rd Annual Technology Showcase & Business Matchmaking Event June 6 at the Albuquerque Convention Center. The goal of the event is to present regional businesses with additional business opportunities.

The Showcase is different from a typical trade show, as it involves only suppliers with technical products or services and includes one-on-one pre-scheduled matchmaking sessions with potential users of the products and services. It is not open to the public.

This year, the focus areas are homeland security, water issues, nano-systems, microsystems, and meso-machining. Regional suppliers with a product or service in these focus areas may apply at

The event will kick off with a breakfast featuring the Sandia Lab Director’s Awards. Immediately following will be a VIP tour of the exhibit hall and a ribbon cutting ceremony, when the exhibits will be open to all registered attendees. The lunch program will feature a panel of experts in the focus areas discussing available funding and procurement opportunities.

At last year’s event, buyers and technical staff from Sandia, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the City of Albuquerque, the State of New Mexico, Lockheed Martin Corp., the Environmental Protection Agency, Albuquerque Public Schools, and Boeing SVS were in attendance. The Showcase is free of charge for registered technical staff and buyers with procurement opportunities from buying organizations throughout the state.

Sponsorship opportunities are also available. See the Showcase web site for details.

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Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies, and economic competitiveness.

Sandia media contact: Michael Padilla,, (505) 284-5325

Sandia event contact: Toni Leon Kovarik,, (505) 284-9549