climate change

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Sandia successfully tests heat-powered system

August 21, 2023 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Capturing carbon dioxide and pumping it deep underground could be an important part of mitigating the effects of climate change. However, ensuring the carbon dioxide stays trapped away from the atmosphere, where it serves as a heat-trapping greenhouse gas, is critical. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories recently...
Still from an animation showing how Sandia National Laboratories’ device could produce electricity at a carbon dioxide storage reservoir.

Studying ship tracks to inform climate intervention decision-makers

February 20, 2023 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Scientists from Sandia National Laboratories are studying ship tracks — clouds that reflect sunlight and are formed by moving ships, similar to contrails from planes — to help inform decision-makers of the benefits and risks of one technology being considered to slow climate change. To understand how...
Woman stands before image of clouds

New superalloy could cut carbon emissions from power plants

February 16, 2023 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — As the world looks for ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions, researchers from Sandia National Laboratories have shown that a new 3D-printed superalloy could help power plants generate more electricity while producing less carbon. Sandia scientists, collaborating with researchers at Ames National Laboratory, Iowa State University and...
Categories: Materials Science
A man peers into a 3D printing machine

Burping bacteria: Identifying Arctic microbes that produce greenhouse gases

October 17, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — As greenhouse gases bubble up across the rapidly thawing Arctic, Sandia National Laboratories researchers are trying to identify other trace gases from soil microbes that could shed some light on what is occurring biologically in melting permafrost in the Arctic. Sandia bioengineer Chuck Smallwood and his team...

Cycloalkanes a strong candidate for reducing aviation emissions

April 20, 2022 • LIVERMORE, Calif. — Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories have released data that could play an important role in the future development of cleaner and more sustainable aviation fuel.[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="250"] Sandia National Laboratories recently p…
Categories: Climate Security
close-up rear view of airplane on tarmac

Truman and Hruby 2022 fellows explore their positions

March 17, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Postdoctoral researchers who are designated Truman and Hruby fellows experience Sandia National Laboratories differently from their peers. Appointees to the prestigious fellowships are given the latitude to pursue their own ideas, rather than being trained by fitting into the research plans of more experienced researchers. To give...
Alicia Magann will explore the possibilities of quantum control in the era of quantum computing during her Truman fellowship at Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia uncovers hidden factors that affect solar farms during severe weather

August 31, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories researchers combined large sets of real-world solar data and advanced machine learning to study the impacts of severe weather on U.S. solar farms, and sort out what factors affect energy generation. Their results were published earlier this month in the scientific journal Applied Energy....

A song of ice and fiber

April 8, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories researchers are beginning to analyze the first seafloor dataset from under Arctic sea ice using a novel method. They were able to capture ice quakes and transportation activities on the North Slope of Alaska while also monit…

Finding fire and ice: Modeling the probability of methane hydrate deposits on the seafloor

March 17, 2021 • RALEIGH, N.C. — Methane hydrate, an ice-like material made of compressed natural gas, burns when lit and can be found in some regions of the seafloor and in Arctic permafrost. Thought to be the world’s largest source of natural gas, methane hydrate is a potential fuel source, and if it...
Sandia National Laboratories researchers used advanced computer models to predict the like­lihood of finding methane hydrate, an ice-like material made of compressed natural gas that burns when lit.

International research team begins uncovering Arctic mystery

February 8, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Something lurks beneath the Arctic Ocean. While it’s not a monster, it has largely remained a mystery.According to 25 international researchers who collaborated on a first-of-its-kind study, frozen land beneath rising sea levels currently traps 60 bil…

Exploring Arctic clues to secure future with new Sandia, university partnership

April 23, 2018 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Arctic is undergoing rapid change, with sea ice melting and temperatures rising at a faster pace than anywhere else in the world. Its changing environment affects global security, politics, the economy and the climate. Understanding these changes is crucial for shaping and safeguarding U.S. security in...

Effects of climate change on communally managed water systems softened by shared effort

April 16, 2018 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Shared fates and experiences in a community can help it withstand changes to water availability due to climate change, a recent study by Sandia National Laboratories researchers found. “During our research, a community’s ability to withstand natural and social pressures was routinely pinpointed to the fact that...
Acequia photo

Understanding hazardous combustion byproducts reduces factors impacting climate change

August 25, 2016 • Sandia researchers focus on soot, furans, oxygenated hydrocarbonsLIVERMORE, Calif. – Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories’ Combustion Research Facility are developing the understanding necessary to build cleaner combustion technologies that will in turn reduce cli…
rid El Gabaly

Geophysicist Marianne Walck named vice president of Sandia’s California laboratory

March 12, 2015 • New role includes leadership of Energy and Climate programLIVERMORE, Calif.—Sandia National Laboratories has appointed Marianne Walck vice president of Sandia’s California laboratory. She replaces Steve Rottler, who will become the deputy director and executive vice pres…
Marianne Walck

New project is the ACME of computer science to address climate change

August 20, 2014 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — High performance computing researchers at Sandia National Laboratories are working with the Department of Energy (DOE) and other national laboratories and institutions to develop and apply the most complete climate and Earth system model, to address the most challenging and demanding climate change issues. Accelerated Climate Modeling...
Chief Computational Scientist Mark Taylor

New Mexico group wins money to educate public on climate science

June 20, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — With interest in climate change heating up, a New Mexico group has won a $3,000 American Chemical Society Presidential Climate Science Challenge Grant to help educate the public on climate science issues. The award to the Central New Mexico section of the ACS will help the group...

Study rebuts hypothesis that comet attacks ended 13,000-year-old Clovis culture

January 30, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Rebutting a speculative hypothesis that comet explosions changed Earth’s climate sufficiently to end the Clovis culture in North America about 13,000 years ago, Sandia lead author Mark Boslough and researchers from 14 academic institutions assert that other explanations must be found for the apparent disappearance. “There’s no...

“Toxic” political discussions limit climate response, says invited speaker at Sandia

August 14, 2012 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The inability of natural and social scientists to convince political leaders that “we’re spinning a roulette wheel over climate change” puts humanity at “extreme risk,” said Massachusetts Institute of Technology management professor Henry Jacoby, former co-director of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of...

Alaskan North Slope climate: hard data from a hard place

August 13, 2012 • Researchers examine clouds (from both sides now) and the structure of the atmosphere BARROW, Alaska — Sandia National Laboratories’ researcher Mark Ivey and I (science writer Neal Singer)  are standing on the tundra at an outpost of science at the northernmost point of the North American continent. We are five miles northeast...

Miniature Sandia sensors may advance climate studies

April 10, 2012 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An air sampler the size of an ear plug is expected to cheaply and easily collect atmospheric samples to improve computer climate models. “We now have an inexpensive tool for collecting pristine vapor samples in the field,” said Sandia National Laboratories researcher Ron Manginell, lead author of...