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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —While Sandia National Laboratories spends a large portion of its funding within New Mexico, its economic footprint is thought to be much larger than the actual dollars it pays out. In fact, economic impact models have suggested that the effect Sandia has on the state’s economy is about three times the total amount the Labs spends on purchases and salaries.
That’s according to a recently released Sandia economic impact brochure that details total laboratory expenditures and the Labs’ effect on New Mexico’s economy.
“We decided to put out this brochure to let the public know how much Sandia contributes to the state’s economy in both dollars and community efforts,” says Don Devoti, manager of Sandia’s Small Business Utilization Department. “And it’s significant.”
Sandia employs about 9,414 regular and temporary employees, of which 8,248 work at the New Mexico site. Its workforce is diverse. At the New Mexico site, the workforce consists of 68 percent men, 32 percent women, and 30 percent minorities. And in 2007, out of 975 new hires, 294 graduated from a New Mexico university.
Last year Sandia spent $1,016,403,000 on labor and non-contract related payments, $72,633,000 on procurement card purchases, $62,575,000 on the New Mexico corporate tax, and $1,013,672,000 on contract related payments.
Sandia is a National Nuclear Security Administration laboratory.
Other facts found in the brochure include:
- Technology Ventures Corporation (TVC), a nonprofit charitable foundation funded by Lockheed Martin Corporation and the Department of Energy, identifies technologies with commercial potential, coordinates the development of business and management capabilities, and seeks sources of capital investment for the business. In 2006 it helped formed 10 new companies, obtained $218 million in private sector equity, and since 1993 some 95 new companies have been formed.
- The Mentor Protégé program sponsored by Sandia enhance the capabilities and competencies of small businesses in the regional business community through a mentor-facilitated program.
- Sandia Science & Technology Park is a 200 plus acre master-planned technology community where 25 companies reside, employing 2,104 people in direct jobs. In 2007 public investment in the park exceeded $5 million and private investment exceeded $32.8 million.
- In the area of community involvement, Sandia/Lockheed Martin is the largest corporate contributor to the United Way of Central new Mexico, contributing more than $3.3 million in 2006; Sandia employees, retirees, and contractors logged more than 120,000 volunteer hours in 2006.
- In the area of K-12 education partnerships, Sandia-sponsored Family Science nights that provide an evening of hands-on science for more than 4,000 elementary school children and their families; Manos, Dream Catchers, and HMTech programs encourage more than 500 underrepresented youth to consider science, technology, engineering, and math careers; Sandia supports science and math teacher professional development through Academies Creating Teacher Scientists scholarships for National Board Certification conference and workshops.
For more information about Sandia’s economic impact on New Mexico, to obtain an economic impact brochure, or learn how to do business with Sandia, email supplier@sandia.gov or call 1-800-765-1678.