
Sandia Labs News Releases

Tag Archives: quantum dots

Precise atom implants in silicon provide a first step toward practical quantum computers

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories has taken a first step toward creating a practical quantum computer, able to handle huge numbers of computations instantaneously. Here’s the recipe: A “donor” atom propelled by an ion beam is inserted very precisely in microseconds  into an industry-standard silicon substrate. The donor atom — in this case, antimony […]

Biological tools create nerve-like polymer network

Crowdsurfing motor proteins create possible prosthetic interface ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Using a succession of biological mechanisms, Sandia National Laboratories researchers have created linkages of polymer nanotubes that resemble the structure of a nerve, with many out-thrust filaments poised to gather or send electrical impulses. “This is the first demonstration of naturally occurring proteins assembling chemically […]