Five local students awarded U.S. Savings Bonds in “It’s the Write Thing to Do” scholastic essay program

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Sandia news media contact

Cheryl Garcia

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Five Albuquerque high school students have been awarded $2,000 U.S. Savings bonds as winners of the 3rd annual “It’s the Write Thing to Do” scholastic essay program, sponsored by Sandia National Laboratories and Lockheed Martin Corporation.

The contest enables students pursuing or planning careers in science, math, and engineering to realize the importance of effective writing skills in science and engineering.

Essays were received from high schools in the Albuquerque area. Scientists and engineers at Sandia judged the contest. The topics were in the areas of hydroponics, optical fibers, and photoelectrical effect.

The awards will be presented in the students’ classrooms before winter break. Presenting the award to the winners in front of their classmates is intended to encourage other students to engage in science, math, and engineering, and to appreciate the importance of good writing skills.

The five U.S. Savings Bond winners are:

  • Rosendo DeHaven, West Mesa High School
  • Joel Hartenberger, Sandia High School
  • Jim Murphy, Sandia High School
  • Kaycee Schleich, Cibola High School
  • Arthur Weagel, Cibola High School

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia Labs has major research and development responsibilities in nuclear deterrence, global security, defense, energy technologies and economic competitiveness, with main facilities in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California.

Sandia news media contact

Cheryl Garcia