May 3, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sometime between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago, prehistoric humans took their first steps into Sahul, an ancient landmass made up of modern Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania. But nobody knows which way they went after that. “One of the really big unanswered questions of prehistory is how...
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Award-winning engineer helps keep US nuclear deterrent safe from radiation
December 23, 2019 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — When nuclear radiation hits electronics, it cuts through semiconductors, leaving scars of charged particles that can flip computing bits and corrupt memory circuits, potentially disabling devices or causing erratic errors. Experts like engineer Alan Mar ensure components made for the U.S. nuclear stockpile pass stringent standards to...
Sandia honored for fighting Ebola, analyzing emerging biotechnologies
April 20, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The work of Sandia National Laboratories at the intersection of biology and national security, including lifesaving efforts during the 2014 Ebola epidemic, has been recognized by the Department of Energy. On April 11, Dmitri Kusnezov, chief scientist and senior adviser to the secretary of energy, visited Sandia...
Categories: Bioscience / Medical Research
Ice sheet modeling of Greenland, Antarctica helps predict sea-level rise
February 11, 2016 • Sandia Labs research part of five-year multi-partner project titled Predicting Ice Sheet and Climate Evolution at Extreme Scales (PISCEES) LIVERMORE, Calif. — The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets will make a dominant contribution to 21st century sea-level rise if current…
New project is the ACME of computer science to address climate change
August 20, 2014 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — High performance computing researchers at Sandia National Laboratories are working with the Department of Energy (DOE) and other national laboratories and institutions to develop and apply the most complete climate and Earth system model, to address the most challenging and demanding climate change issues. Accelerated Climate Modeling...
Softening steel problem expands computer model applications
April 16, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories researchers Lisa Deibler and Arthur Brown had a ready-made problem for their computer modeling work when they partnered with the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Kansas City Plant to improve stainless steel tu…
Categories: Science / Technology / Engineering
Topics: computer modeling