Cyber research facility opens at Sandia’s California site

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Mike Janes

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Sandia's new Cybersecurity Technologies Research Laboratory




LIVERMORE, Calif. — Sandia National Laboratories’ new Cybersecurity Technologies Research Laboratory (CTRL) now offers an open yet controlled area for cybersecurity professionals from the Bay Area and across the country to meet and discuss critical cyber research issues.

A grand opening for the facility, which resides on the grounds of the Livermore Valley Open Campus (LVOC), was held today, June 12.

“With CTRL, we can run experiments and talk more freely about a wide range of cyber research activities, and we can do so with a variety of U.S. and international collaborators but without some of the unrelated restrictions that are often associated with a national laboratory,” said Jim Costa, senior manager of computational sciences and analysis at Sandia’s California site.

“At the same time, we can do these things in a uniquely controlled environment where we know what activities are taking place and we can monitor who and what else is in the building,” he said. “We look at CTRL like our own neighborhood hangout for Sandia and visiting cyber professionals who need an open but secure place to meet and collaborate.”

Broadly, CTRL will promote stronger relationships between industry, academia and national laboratories in the research and development of cybersecurity solutions through technology, practices and policy. Specifically, CTRL aims to:

  • Develop the science and computing foundation necessary for robust cyber security research and development.
  • Develop critical relationships to help understand the full range of technical threat concerns facing industry, government (nonclassified) and academia.
  • Develop, test and help implement cybersecurity approaches in real-world situations.
  • Promote the various technical domains that support the advancement of cybersecurity, essential to the security and stability of the U.S. and the world.
  • Develop political and social awareness of the real, imminent threat and the consequences posed by cyber exploits and attacks.
  • Provide a window to the external world on open cybersecurity and related work throughout Sandia, along with acting as a Bay Area resource for open work performed at Sandia’s New Mexico location.

Sandia has a decades-long history in cybersecurity, said Costa, the origins of which lie in the Labs’ nuclear weapons program. Most recently, it has received accolades for its successful Center for Cyber Defenders (CCD) program, which has trained hundreds of college students in cyber defense and has seen many go into private industry and government to tackle cybersecurity issues. This summer’s Sandia/California CCD interns are housed in the CTRL facility.

As a national security laboratory, Sandia needs to remain active in the cybersecurity arena, said Costa, and Sandia’s California site is well-positioned to offer a facility like CTRL to Silicon Valley interests, federal and local government and companies from around the country that need it the most. Virtually every company and organization in existence has issues with privacy, supply chains, exfiltration of intellectual property, malware and communications, so places where scientists, engineers and cyber analysts can gather openly yet securely have become critical.

“The Bay Area is a hotbed for social media and computer companies of every type, and every product or service being developed today must be reliable and resilient,” Costa said. “Any of it can be attacked by our adversaries, so the more we can facilitate technical discussions with our cybersecurity brethren, the better.” Access to CTRL, he said, is very flexible, so some non-Sandia personnel could conceivably come for an afternoon or day, stay a week or more or even have an office set up for long-term use.

In addition to its CCD students, CTRL houses a number of Sandia cyber programs funded by multiple sources and is beginning to provide office space for academic and industrial partners. Costa said he envisions even more CTRL users in the coming months and years, potentially from other collaborators Sandia hasn’t even begun to work with. He also sees the facility as an important contributor to workforce development.


Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia Labs has major research and development responsibilities in nuclear deterrence, global security, defense, energy technologies and economic competitiveness, with main facilities in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California.

Sandia news media contact

Mike Janes