Sandia physicist wins two national awards

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Neal Singer

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Mark Herrmann, Sandia National Laboratories fusion researcher 


Photo by Lloyd Wilson

Albuquerque, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories senior manager Mark Herrmann has garnered two national awards for his work in high-energy-density science.

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In September, the American Physical Society elected him a Fellow, an honor limited to 0.5 percent of the society’s membership in any given year. The citation, formally presented at the recent annual meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, reads: “For innovative technical advances and exceptional leadership in the areas of inertial confinement fusion target design and magnetically driven high-energy-density science.” The citation will be published in the March 2013 issue of APS News.

Herrmann also was selected by Fusion Power Associates (FPA) to receive its 2012 Excellence in Fusion Engineering Award, to be presented at that group’s annual meeting Dec. 5-6 in Washington, D.C. Herrmann was recognized for his, “many technical contributions to inertial fusion capsule design, his leadership of the Sandia high-energy-density physics program and his earlier contributions to magnetic fusion while at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.”

FPA is a nonprofit research and educational foundation that provides information on fusion and fusion research. Its awards are presented annually to individuals in the early stages of their careers “who have shown both technical accomplishment and the potential to become exceptionally influential leaders in the fusion field.”

Herrmann expressed gratitude for the honors. “I have been incredibly fortunate to work with exceptional mentors and fabulous scientists during my career. This recognition by the leaders in my field means a lot to me.”

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