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2006 News Releases

Sandia researchers study possibility that lightning was cause of Sago Mine disaster - December 18, 2006

Sandia formalizes agreement with Bi-National Lab - December 13, 2006

Sandia researchers develop better sensor detection system - December 4, 2006

Sandia research to focus on early detection of harmful algal blooms (HABs) - November 27, 2006

Red Storm upgrade lifts Sandia supercomputer to 2nd in world, but 1st in scalability, say researchers - November 14, 2006

Thunderbird Linux Cluster Ranks 6th in Top500 Supercomputing Race cell - November 14, 2006

Sandia researchers discover way to see how a drug attaches to a cell - November 13, 2006

Sandia, UNM researchers show brain injury may occur within one millisecond after head hits car windshield - November 7, 2006

Z machine melts diamond to puddle - November 2, 2006

Sandia’s JESS® 7.0 rule engine available for licensing - October 31, 2006

Three Sandia researchers receive ‘Better Way’ Award - October 31, 2006

Sandia computational science projects funded by the DOE Office of Science - October 30, 2006

Fifth annual Homeland Security Conference to be held in Albuquerque this week - October 23, 2006

Sandia researchers develop contaminant warning program for EPA to monitor water systems in real time - October 10, 2006

LOGIIC helps keep oil, gas control systems safe - October 9, 2006

DOE selects Sandia as National Laboratory Center for Solid-State Lighting Research and Development - October 5, 2006

Buying, selling energy being conducted in safer environment due to Sandia standards assessments - October 4, 2006

Sandia releases free to the public Acro 1.0 optimization software - October 4, 2006

Secretary Bodman to visit Sandia Oct. 5 - October 3, 2006

Phase diagram of water revised by Sandia researchers - October 3, 2006

Terrorism: Threats, Training, Tactics and Technology Conference Scheduled for Oct. 4-6 at Sandia - September 18, 2006

Inter-Institutional Agreement wins 2006 Deal of Distinction Award - September 18, 2006

Sandia and Los Alamos host DHS Secretary at NISAC dedication Sept. 18 - September 15, 2006

Sandia fingerprinting technique demonstrates wireless device driver vulnerabilities - September 12, 2006

Sandia hosts NASA test at Solar Tower Sept. 6 - August 28, 2006

Sandia’s community contributions surpass $15 million - August 22, 2006

Sandia’s Neutron Generator Production receives Shingo Prize - August 18, 2006

National nanotechnology core facility to open in Albuquerque Aug. 23 - August 16, 2006

Rapidly Deployable Chemical Detection System tested at McAfee Stadium - August 15, 2006

Sandia to demonstrate arsenic, radium removal techniques at Navajo Reservation - August 14, 2006

Paul Hommert named vice president of Sandia’s California division - August 10, 2006

Sandia National Laboratories and Monsanto Company announce cooperative research agreement - August 9, 2006

Sandia hosts water forum - August 9, 2006

Sandia experimental package of piezoelectric films to be part of NASA space station experiment - August 8, 2006

E M Optomechanical, Inc. obtains license to produce products based on Sandia-developed technology - August 7, 2006

Sandia researchers solve mystery of attractive surfaces - August 2, 2006

Michael Dell to visit Sandia Labs this Friday - July 26, 2006

Sandia’s Wind Energy Technology Department uses Lab’s developed device to determine how well wind turbines operate - July 26, 2006

Sandia hosts nonproliferation forum - July 20, 2006

Sandia work reported in Science and launched on space shuttle shows live cells influence growth of nanostructures - July 20, 2006

Sandia applies a surety approach in creating solutions to energy challenges - July 10, 2006

Sandia researchers apply energy surety model to military bases - July 10, 2006

Sandia wins two R&D 100 Awards - July 7, 2006

Sandia’s ASCI Red, world’s first teraflop supercomputer, is decommissioned - June 29, 2006

Sandia to demonstrate arsenic removal technique at Jemez Pueblo July 5 - June 29, 2006

Sandia hosts Sustainable Energy Forum - June 20, 2006

Sandia preemptive spark helps find intermittent electrical short circuits in airplanes - June 19, 2006

‘Prettier world’ of computer modeling provides key details, says Sandia researcher - June 12, 2006

Sandia tool speeds up environmental cleanup, reopening of contaminated facilities - June 7, 2006

Desalination roadmap seeks technological solutions to increase the nation’s water supply - June 5, 2006

Address water scarcity, water quality issues around the world now, Sandia/CSIS report says - May 31, 2006

Sandia announces MEMS design contest winners - May 25, 2006

Sandia, Lockheed Martin honor 21 local high school seniors for achievement in the face of hardships - May 18, 2006

Sandia, Next Generation Economy, Inc., New Mexico Business Roundtable to host first ImagiNANOvation™ Workshop - May 17, 2006

Sandia accepting applications for Dream Catcher Program - May 16, 2006

Repeatable, reliable, low-breakdown voltage antifuses enabled through a Sandia-developed dielectric thin film - May 15, 2006

Sandia to dedicate grand new Microfab and Microlab facilities Friday - April 17, 2006

Nobel Laureate Mario Molina to speak at National Hispanic Cultural Center Wednesday - April 17, 2006

Sandia recognizes local businesses with outstanding service awards - April 17, 2006

Sandia to sponsor wind turbine blade workshop - April 12, 2006

Sandia, Brookhaven researchers develop first response guidance for dirty bomb scenario - April 11, 2006

Sandia helps 283 state businesses in 2005 through New Mexico Small Business Assistance Program - April 11, 2006

Coal may lead way to hydrogen economy - April 3, 2006

Sandia-designed supercomputer ranked world’s most efficient in two of six categories - March 29, 2006

Sandia-developed RADTRAN software turns 30 - March 13, 2006

Sandia’s Z machine exceeds two billion degrees Kelvin - March 8, 2006

Applications sought for 3rd Annual Technology Showcase & Business Matchmaking Event - March 6, 2006

Sandia National Laboratories/California to celebrate 50 years in Livermore next week - March 1, 2006

Sandia President Tom Hunter announces grants to three New Mexico universities - February 27, 2006

Sandia researchers develop low-density, environmentally friendly foam that may also be the answer to surf industry crisis - February 13, 2006

Sandia researchers collaborate to understand phenomena controlling PEM fuel cell performance, durability - January 26, 2006

Sandia enters agreement with Sharp Corporation - January 23, 2006

Riding the dimer: By straddling twin molecules, Sandia physicist obtains unique view of their breakup - January 17, 2006

Sandia researchers seek ways to make lithium-ion batteries work longer, safer - January 16, 2006

Sandia researchers to model nano-size battery to be implanted in eye to power artificial retina - January 12, 2006

Sandia researchers aim to keep points-of-entry safe through systems-level modeling of operations - January 11, 2006

Sandia to conduct regional workshop in Salt Lake City to help gauge nation's energy and water concerns - January 6, 2006