
Sandia Labs News Releases

Author Archives: Mollie Rappe

A FORCEE for good: Growing Sandia’s climate and earth sciences internship

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Summer at Sandia National Laboratories typically means high temperatures, blazing sunlight and campuses filled with bright, eager interns. About 75 of these young innovators have come to Sandia this summer as part of the Future of Research for Climate, Earth and Energy Intern Institute. Another 75 interns participate remotely. The FORCEE institute […]

Boosting battery research

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Most Americans don’t leave home without at least one lithium battery-powered device, and someday, the house itself may have a battery back-up. Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories are working to make these large back-up batteries less expensive, hold more energy and be less prone to bursting into flame. One way to tackle […]

Sandia microgrid expert named IEEE Fellow

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories electrical engineer Michael Ropp has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, one of the world’s largest technical professional organizations. Ropp’s research focuses on developing algorithms to improve the resiliency of the electrical grid, particularly with the addition of many sources of renewable energy […]

Sandia studies subterranean storage of hydrogen

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Imagine a vast volume of porous sandstone reservoir, once full of oil and natural gas, now full of a different, carbon-free fuel — hydrogen. Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories are using computer simulations and laboratory experiments to see if depleted oil and natural gas reservoirs can be used for storing this carbon-free […]

Bruised and bleeding: New materials show where they’re hurt

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Every over-the-counter medication bottle sports a protective seal, usually a plastic wrap or foam layer, or both. These seals offer signs of tampering attempts. In a parallel concern, the International Atomic Energy Agency relies on tamper-indicating devices to make sure it knows if containers of nuclear material have been opened or tampered […]

Creating the self-healing grid of the future

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Self-healing electrical grids: It may sound like a concept from science fiction, with tiny robots or some sentient tech crawling around fixing power lines, but in a reality not far from fiction a team of researchers is bringing this idea to life. What’s not hard to imagine is the potential value of […]

Using a fiber optic cable to study Arctic seafloor permafrost

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Arctic is remote, with often harsh conditions, and its climate is changing rapidly — warming four times faster than the rest of the Earth. This makes studying the Arctic climate both challenging and vital for understanding global climate change. Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories are using an existing fiber optic cable […]

Sandia economist selected fellow of energy association

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Peter Kobos, an economist and manager at Sandia National Laboratories, has been selected as a senior fellow of the United States Association for Energy Economics. Kobos defines energy economics as the science of storytelling, using data to determine which energy technologies can perform as needed and which technologies are cost-effective enough to […]

New tool models viability of closed-loop geothermal systems

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Geothermal power has a lot of promise as a renewable energy source that is not dependent on the sun shining or the wind blowing, but it has some challenges to wide adoption. One of these challenges is that there are a limited number of locations in the U.S. that naturally have the right […]

Wearable sensor to monitor ‘last line of defense’ antibiotic

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, bacteria have evolved numerous ways to evade or outright ignore the effects of antibiotics. Thankfully, healthcare providers have an arsenal of infrequently used antibiotics that are still effective against otherwise resistant strains of bacteria. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have combined earlier work on painless […]

Cyber Defender interns take on national security challenges

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Nearly every day, a cyberattack or newly discovered zero-day exploit hits the headlines, which makes providing the best training for the next generation of cybersecurity professionals of vital importance. Sandia National Laboratories’ internship institute in cybersecurity, called the Center for Cyber Defenders, has been introducing college students from across the U.S. to […]

Sandia successfully tests heat-powered system

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Capturing carbon dioxide and pumping it deep underground could be an important part of mitigating the effects of climate change. However, ensuring the carbon dioxide stays trapped away from the atmosphere, where it serves as a heat-trapping greenhouse gas, is critical. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories recently designed, built and lab-tested a […]

Silicon nose: Small sensor ‘smells’ incipient seizures

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — In people with epilepsy, seizure-alert dogs can smell small changes in body chemistry and warn of an impending seizure an hour or more before it occurs. Inspired by this feat of nature, a team of researchers has sniffed out a way to replicate the ability with technology. Sandia National Laboratories and research […]

Sandia switches to hydrogen weather balloons

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Hundreds of miles north of the Arctic Circle, Sandia National Laboratories researchers ensure the collection of important weather and climate data. By switching the gas used in their weather balloons, they have reduced their metaphorical footprint on the fragile Arctic ecosystem. More than three years ago, the Sandia-operated atmospheric measurement facility in […]

Let’s get cracking: Sandia scientists detect gases from fractured rock

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Geoscientists have detected specific gases being released from fractured rocks in real time after a series of small chemical explosions set underground. This fundamental research, led by Sandia National Laboratories geoscientist Steve Bauer, could one day improve the prediction of earthquakes or detection of underground explosions. “In the different shots, we were […]