
Results 876–900 of 1,304
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N.M. Safety Professional of the Year awarded to Sandia Labs employee

December 19, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A Sandia National Laboratories employee has been named New Mexico Safety Professional of the Year for her expertise in the safety profession, including working with Sandia researchers to make their labs as safe as possible. Terri Wallis, an environment, safety and security professional who joined Sandia in...
Categories: Awards, HR / Personnel

Sandia to demonstrate robotics capabilities at 2013 DARPA Robotics Challenge Expo

December 18, 2013, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Engineers from Sandia National Laboratories will demonstrate real-world robotics successes at the DARPA Robotics Challenge Trials 2013 Expo this week in Florida. The challenge is focused on human-scaled robots that assist in humanitarian aid and disaster response. Both the Robotics Challenge Trials and the Expo are open...
Sandia Labs' Gemini Scout Robot

Sandia employees kick off Livermore’s first Habitat for Humanity renovation project

December 16, 2013 • LIVERMORE, Calif. — Habitat for Humanity typically builds houses, but a Habitat event last month tore one down. A team of Sandia National Laboratories volunteers led by engineering services manager Larry Carrillo kicked off a new Habitat for Humanity project that will partially demolish and rebuild a dilapidated 60-year-old house...
Habitat build photo

Pioneering path to electrical conductivity in ‘Tinkertoy’ materials to appear in Science

December 9, 2013 • LIVERMORE, Calif.— Sandia National Laboratories researchers have devised a novel way to realize electrical conductivity in metal-organic framework (MOF) materials, a development that could have profound implications for the future of electronics, sensors, energy conversion and energy storage. A paper to appear in Science magazine, “Tunable Electrical Conductivity in Metal-Organic...

Engineer honored for contributions to precision strike systems

December 4, 2013 • Advanced Hypersonic Weapon work caps Sandia Labs honoree’s career ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The chief engineer of Conventional Prompt Global Strike programs at Sandia National Laboratories has been honored with a national award for his outstanding contributions to precision strike systems. Gary Polansky, an engineer in Sandia’s Flight Systems department, won...
Categories: Awards, Military / Defense

Combustion chemist to be awarded Polanyi Medal for pioneering work at Sandia Labs

November 26, 2013 • LIVERMORE, Calif.— Sandia National Laboratories combustion chemist Craig Taatjes, whose groundbreaking work on Criegee intermediates has provided scientific insight into hydrocarbon combustion and atmospheric chemistry, has been selected to receive the prestigious Polanyi Medal by the International Symposium on Gas Kinetics. Taatjes will receive the award and present the Polanyi...

American Indian group names Sandia engineer 2014 Professional of the Year

November 19, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Randy McKee’s passion is engineering excellence. “I’m a process guy,” says the Cherokee Nation member. “I always put that first in anything I do.” Close behind is his desire to help young people become professional engineers. McKee has spent countless hours mentoring in minority recruitment, graduate and...

Converting natural gas to liquid transportation fuels via biological organisms

November 18, 2013 • LIVERMORE, Calif.— Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories will use their expertise in protein expression, enzyme engineering and high-throughput assays as part of a multiproject, $34 million effort by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) aimed at developing advanced biocatalyst technologies that can convert natural gas to liquid fuel for transportation....
Microbes to butanol

Improved ranking test for supercomputers to be released by Sandia

November 15, 2013, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories researcher Mike Heroux has helped craft a new benchmark that more accurately measures the power of modern supercomputers for scientific and engineering applications. Heroux collaborated with the creator of the widely used LINPACK benchmark, Jack Dongarra, and his colleagues at the University of Tennessee...
Categories: Computing
Mike Heroux

Sandia’s Katherine Guzman receives national Hispanic award for technical contributions

October 31, 2013 • LIVERMORE, Calif.— The Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Corp. (HENAAC) recently named Sandia National Laboratories’ Katherine Guzman one of its 2013 Luminary honorees. She received her award Oct. 5 at the 25th Anniversary HENAAC Conference in New Orleans. “This is an incredible honor,” said Guzman. “I remember going to the...
Katherine Guzman

Plasmonic crystal alters to match light-frequency source

October 30, 2013 • A device like a photonic crystal, but smaller and tunable ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Gems are known for the beauty of the light that passes through them. But it is the fixed atomic arrangements of these crystals that determine which light frequencies are permitted passage. Now a Sandia-led team has created...
Greg Dyer Plasmonic Chip

Sandia recognized for sustainable greenhouse gas management

October 24, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) awarded Sandia National Laboratories a Best in Class Sustainability Award for improvements in the labs’ Saturn and High Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source (HERMES) III pulsed power facilities. Sandia was recognized for reducing the use of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) with an...
High Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source (HERMES) pulsed power facility

Sandia Labs wins five regional FLC tech transfer awards

October 24, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories won five regional awards from the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) for its work to develop and commercialize innovative technologies. The FLC’s Far West/Mid-Continent regions gave Outstanding and Notable Technology Development awards to Sandia’s: SpinDx medical diagnostic tool; Sandia Cooler, which reduces energy to cool...

Sandia internship program serves up challenging national security work with a side of fun

October 17, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Keilan Jackson wanted real-world experience when he shopped for an internship for the summer of 2013. The Arizona State University computer science junior had completed other intern stints where his work was never put to use. From several options, he chose Sandia National Laboratories’ Technical Internships to...

Electricity storage how-to guide available

September 23, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories has released an updated handbook on energy storage, an internationally known resource for utilities, regulators and others interested in electricity storage and power generation. The book was created in collaboration with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association...

Study could help improve nuclear waste repositories

September 19, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Here’s the question faced by a team of Sandia National Laboratories researchers: How fast will iodine-129 released from spent nuclear fuel move through a deep, clay-based geological repository? Understanding that process is crucial as countries worldwide consider underground clay formations for nuclear waste disposal, because clay offers...
Sandia researcher Yifeng Wang examines a clay sample from South Dakota as part of iodide experiments. A team of Sandia researchers is working to understand how fast iodine-129 released from spent nuclear fuel would move through a deep clay-based geological repository.

Sandia Labs harnessing the sun’s energy with tiny particles

September 16, 2013, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Engineers at Sandia National Laboratories, along with partner institutions Georgia Tech, Bucknell University, King Saud University and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are using a falling particle receiver to more efficiently convert the sun’s energy to electricity in large-scale, concentrating solar power plants. Falling particle receiver technology...
Falling particle receiver

Researching new detectors for chemical, biological threats

September 5, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories scientists are thinking small, building on decades of sensor work to invent tiny detectors that can sniff out everything from explosives and biotoxins to smuggled humans. Their potential seems unlimited. The military needs to find low concentrations of chemicals, such as those used in...

Sandia showcase shines a light on research and tech transfer

September 4, 2013, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories will again take its cutting-edge research and technology to the community at a daylong event that will also spotlight intellectual property and how to do business with the labs through licensing, partnership agreements, procurement and economic development programs. The second annual Sandia Research &...

Sandia and Arizona State University sign MOU

August 30, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Sandia National Laboratories and Arizona State University have signed a formal partnership agreement on important renewable energy challenges. The goals of the memorandum of understanding are to encourage collaborative research, build educational and workforce development programs and inform policy endeavors. The agreement enables the two institutions to...

Shape-shifting alloys hold promise

August 27, 2013 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Imagine untwisting a finger-size spring, then holding the flame from a lighter underneath the unraveled section. Like magic, it twirls itself into a spring again because the metal alloy remembered its original shape. Sandia National Laboratories researchers think such shape-memory alloys could be used to improve safety...

3D Earth model developed at Sandia Labs more accurately pinpoints source of earthquakes, explosions

August 22, 2013, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – During the Cold War, U.S. and international monitoring agencies could spot nuclear tests and focused on measuring their sizes. Today, they’re looking around the globe to pinpoint much smaller explosives tests. Under the sponsorship of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D, Sandia...
Results 876–900 of 1,304