
Results 51–75 of 94
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History of Sandia Labs rocketry told in award-winning film, ‘It Really Is Rocket Science!’

June 5, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The history of rocket testing and aerospace work at Sandia National Laboratories is the history of aero everything.“There was aeroheating and aeroballistics and aerodynamics and all things aero,” said Myra Buteau, a Sandia Labs video producer whose …

NM construction companies awarded $135 million in Sandia contracts

May 25, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Fourteen New Mexico companies, most of them small businesses, have been chosen to provide about $135 million in general, electrical, mechanical and civil construction work at Sandia National Laboratories. The companies are subcontractors for the labs and will compete for individual construction projects as they occur, said...

Sandia recognizes top female high school students in math, science in northern California

May 16, 2017 • [caption id="" align="alignright" width="250"] Sandia National Laboratories researcher Marilyn F. Hawley, right, presents an award to a student from Manteca, California, while Sandia Business Development Manager Annie Garcia, center, announces the recipients of this year’s…
26th annual Sandia Math and Science Awards

Trash into treasure: Sandia could help biofuel pay for itself with goods made from waste

May 4, 2017 • EMERYVILLE, Calif. — A recent discovery by Sandia National Laboratories researchers may unlock the potential of biofuel waste — and ultimately make biofuels competitive with petroleum.Fuel made from plants is much more expensive than petroleum, but one way to decrease th…
Sandia National Laboratories researchers Matthew Mills, left, and Ken Sale, center, look on as researcher Amanda Kohler points toward a model of LigM, an enzyme whose structure they have solved. (Image by Dino Vournas).

Reversing the curse

May 3, 2017 • Sandia develops math techniques to improve computational efficiency in quantum chemistry[caption id="" align="alignright" width="250"] Sandia National Laboratories researchers Prashant Rai, left, Habib Najm, center, and Khachik Sargsyan discuss mathematical techniques used t…
Sandia researchers develop mathematical methods

More small, clean-energy businesses will tap into Sandia technical expertise

April 25, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Department of Energy has chosen five more small, clean-energy businesses to work with Sandia National Laboratories to speed the commercialization of next-generation technologies and gain a global competitive advantage for the U.S. “Sandia is excited to bring these small businesses together with our scientists and engineers...

Research from Sandia shows brain stimulation during training boosts performance

April 24, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Your Saturday Salsa club or Introductory Italian class might be even better for you than you thought. According to Sandia National Laboratories cognitive scientist Mike Trumbo, learning a language or an instrument or going dancing is the best way to keep your brain keen despite the ravages...
Mike Trumbo adjusts an electrode on Laura Matzen's head

Sandia honored for fighting Ebola, analyzing emerging biotechnologies

April 20, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The work of Sandia National Laboratories at the intersection of biology and national security, including lifesaving efforts during the 2014 Ebola epidemic, has been recognized by the Department of Energy. On April 11, Dmitri Kusnezov, chief scientist and senior adviser to the secretary of energy, visited Sandia...
Paula Austin outside an Ebola treatment unit in Sierra Leone.

Better living through pressure: functional nanomaterials made easy

April 18, 2017, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Using pressure instead of chemicals, a Sandia National Laboratories team has fabricated nanoparticles into nanowire-array structures similar to those that underlie the surfaces of touch-screens for sensors, computers, phones and TVs. The pressure-based fabrication process takes nanoseconds. Chemistry-based industrial techniques take hours. The process, called stress-induced fabrication,...
Joshua Usher

New brain-inspired cybersecurity system detects ‘bad apples’ 100 times faster

March 21, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Cybersecurity is critical — for national security, corporations and private individuals. Sophisticated cybersecurity systems excel at finding “bad apples” in computer networks, but they lack the computing power to identify the threats directly. Instead, they look for general indicators of an attack; call them “apples.” Or the...
Roger Suppona, John Naegle, and David Follett hold Neuromorphic Cyber Microscope.

Testing for Zika virus: there’s an app for that

March 20, 2017 • LIVERMORE, Calif. — Add rapid, mobile testing for Zika and other viruses to the list of things that smartphone technology is making possible. Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed a smartphone-controlled, battery-operated diagnostic device that weighs …
Zika box

Power partners: Sandia draws industry into quest for cheaper, cleaner electricity

March 16, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories is working with three industry partners to commercialize a distributed power system that can produce cheaper, cleaner, more efficient electricity. The labs signed three-year Cooperative Research and Development Agreements with Peregrine Turbine Technologies of Wiscasset, Maine; Xdot Engineering and Analysis of Charlottesville, Virginia; and...

Dan Sinars represents Sandia in first energy leadership class

March 13, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Dan Sinars, a senior manager in Sandia National Laboratories’ pulsed power center, which built and operates the Z facility, is the sole representative from a nuclear weapons lab in a Department of Energy leadership program that recently visited Sandia. Members of the Oppenheimer Science and Energy Leadership...
Daniel Sinars

Guiding Light: Sandia creates 3-D metasurfaces with optical possibilities

March 9, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Metamaterials don’t exist in nature, but their ability to make ultra-thin lenses and ultra-efficient cell phone antennas, bend light to keep satellites cooler and let photovoltaics absorb more energy mean they offer a world of possibilities. Formed by nanostructures that act as “atoms,” arranged on a substrate...

Sandia scientist named fellow for diverse contributions to aeronautics, space research

March 2, 2017 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Gary Polansky, the chief scientist for hypersonic technology development and applications at Sandia National Laboratories, has been named a fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). AIAA, the world’s largest aerospace professional society, confers the distinction of fellow to recognize professionals’ notable and valuable...
Categories: Awards, Military / Defense
Results 51–75 of 94