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Investigating stockpile stewardship applications for world’s largest computer chip

October 17, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories and its partners announced a new project today to investigate the application of Cerebras Systems‘ Wafer-Scale Engine technology to accelerate advanced simulation and computing applications in support of the nation’s stockpile stewardship mission. The National Nuclear Security Administration’s Advanced Simulation and Computing program is...

Back to the drawing board: Reinventing offshore wind turbines

August 16, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Brandon Ennis, Sandia National Laboratories’ offshore wind technical lead, had a radically new idea for offshore wind turbines: instead of a tall, unwieldy tower with blades at the top, he imagined a towerless turbine with blades pulled taut like a bow. This design would allow the massive...

Can an algorithm teach scientists to write better quantum computer programs?

August 2, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — While quantum computers could someday revolutionize technology, a single slip of an atom can cause a malfunction. Scientists around the world are figuring out what causes these errors, and it turns out sometimes they stem from the way code in a program is arranged. Timothy Proctor, a...
Categories: Awards, Computing
A portrait-style photo of Tim Proctor

Sandia applied mathematician wins DOE Early Career Research Award

July 21, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Examination of very fine real-world data can improve the fidelity by which complex computer simulations are guided, says Sandia National Laboratories applied mathematician Pete Bosler.He investigates multiscale simulations that, integrated, could combin…

Sandia researchers receive two EO Lawrence Awards

July 14, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories pulsed-power physicist Daniel Sinars and quantum information scientist Andrew Landahl have each received 2021 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Awards, the U.S. Department of Energy’s highest scientific mid-career honor. Sinars won in the category “National Security and Nonproliferation;” Landahl in “Computer, Information and Knowledge Sciences.” Susan...

Build-a-satellite program could fast track national security space missions

June 8, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Satellites equipped with remote sensing technology execute many critical national security missions, from detecting explosions to tracking sea ice, but until now it could take a team years to move from a concept to a deployable space system. Valhalla, a Python-based performance modeling framework developed at Sandia...
Thomas Bradshaw inspects a computer board

Sandia researcher Ray Tuminaro named SIAM fellow

June 7, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia computational scientist and applied mathematician Ray Tuminaro has been named a 2022 Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics for “contributions in iterative linear-solver algorithms and software that address scientific computing applications on large-scale parallel systems.” A distinguished member of Sandia’s technical staff, Tuminaro...
Categories: Awards, Computing

Could quantum technology be New Mexico’s next economic boon?

April 1, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Science, education and economic development leaders across New Mexico have formed a coalition to bring future quantum computing jobs to the state. Sandia National Laboratories, The University of New Mexico and Los Alamos National Laboratory announced the new coalition today at UNM during the Quantum New Mexico...
Quantum Technology

Truman and Hruby 2022 fellows explore their positions

March 17, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Postdoctoral researchers who are designated Truman and Hruby fellows experience Sandia National Laboratories differently from their peers. Appointees to the prestigious fellowships are given the latitude to pursue their own ideas, rather than being trained by fitting into the research plans of more experienced researchers. To give...
Alicia Magann will explore the possibilities of quantum control in the era of quantum computing during her Truman fellowship at Sandia National Laboratories

Neuromorphic computing widely applicable, Sandia researchers show

March 10, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — With the insertion of a little math, Sandia National Laboratories researchers have shown that neuromorphic computers, which synthetically replicate the brain’s logic, can solve more complex problems than those posed by artificial intelligence and may even earn a place in high-performance computing. The findings, detailed in a...
Particle Distribution Random Walk Video

Black engineer awards distinguish Sandia Labs

February 28, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Ten Sandia National Laboratories engineers received Black Engineer of the Year Awards this year, including Most Promising Scientist in Government, Research Leadership, Science Spectrum Trailblazers and Modern-Day Technology Leaders. Honorees include Sandia mechanical, electrical, civil, aerospace and aeronautical engineers who excel in their respective fields. From the...
Sandia Labs BEYA winners

Improved nuclear accident code helps policymakers assess risks from small reactors

February 16, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories recently updated the Maccs code to better aid the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the global nuclear industry in assessing the consequences of nuclear accidents. The Maccs code can also evaluate the potential health and environmental risks posed by advanced nuclear reactors and small modular...
Two people walking beside a fence. A cooling stack of a nuclear facility is in the background.

Algorithm could shorten quality testing, research in many industries by months

February 15, 2022 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A machine-learning algorithm developed at Sandia National Laboratories could provide auto manufacturing, aerospace and other industries a faster and more cost-efficient way to test bulk materials. The technique was published recently in the scientific journal Materials Science and Engineering: A. Production stoppages are costly. So, manufacturers screen...
David Montes de Oca Zapiain and Hojun Lim

How Sandia Labs is revealing the inner workings of quantum computers

January 19, 2022, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A precision diagnostic developed at the Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratories is emerging as a gold standard for detecting and describing problems inside quantum computing hardware. Two papers published today in the scientific journal Nature describe how separate research teams — one including Sandia researchers —...
Andrew Baczewski and Erik Nielsen

Measuring a quantum computer’s power just got faster and more accurate

December 20, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — What does a quantum computer have in common with a top draft pick in sports? Both have attracted lots of attention from talent scouts. Quantum computers, experimental machines that can perform some tasks faster than supercomputers, are constantly evaluated, much like young athletes, for their potential to...
Categories: Computing
Quantum Computer

Sandia Labs wins seven R&D 100 Awards and two specialty honors

December 1, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Competing in an international pool of universities, corporations and government labs, inventions from Sandia National Laboratories captured seven R&D 100 Awards (one in conjunction with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) this year, as well as two special awards for green technology and corporate responsibility. Independent panels of...

Sandia researcher awarded Early-Career Research Program grant

October 11, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Working to solve a problem, supercomputing researchers may encounter incomplete data or flawed programs. For both issues, Sandia researcher Drew Kouri has attracted interest from the broad computing community for his ability to mitigate uncertainty in both supercomputer programs and data, optimizing each to reach the best...

High-speed alloy creation might revolutionize hydrogen’s future

September 20, 2021 • LIVERMORE, Calif. — A Sandia National Laboratories team of materials scientists and computer scientists, with some international collaborators, have spent more than a year creating 12 new alloys — and modeling hundreds more — that demonstrate how machine learning can help accelerate the future of hydrogen energy by making it...

Sandia 3D-imaging workflow has benefits for medicine, electric cars and nuclear deterrence

September 14, 2021, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories researchers have created a method of processing 3D images for computer simulations that could have beneficial implications for several industries, including health care, manufacturing and electric vehicles. At Sandia, the method could prove vital in certifying the credibility of high-performance computer simulations used in...
Graphic showing segmentation possibilities

Sandia uncovers hidden factors that affect solar farms during severe weather

August 31, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Sandia National Laboratories researchers combined large sets of real-world solar data and advanced machine learning to study the impacts of severe weather on U.S. solar farms, and sort out what factors affect energy generation. Their results were published earlier this month in the scientific journal Applied Energy....

Extending nuclear power accident code for advanced reactor designs

August 24, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Nuclear power is a significant source of steady carbon-neutral electricity, making the design and construction of new and next-generation nuclear reactors critical for achieving the U.S.’s green energy goals. A number of new nuclear reactor designs, such as small modular reactors and non-light water reactors, have been...
Two men, one younger and one older, look at a large, upside-down metal bowl with a huge rip in it.

Largest aerospace society names Sandia researcher ‘Engineer of the Year’

June 1, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Humberto “Tito” Silva III, a Sandia National Laboratories researcher, has been named Engineer of the Year by the world’s largest aerospace technical society, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Selected by a committee of his peers, Silva was cited for improving failure-rate predictions of aerospace flight...

Sandia app assesses value of energy storage for businesses, utilities

May 19, 2021, Media Advisory • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Utility companies and corporate project developers now have help assessing how much money adding an energy storage system will save them thanks to new Sandia National Laboratories software.[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="250"] A new Sandia Natio…

Simulating sneezes and coughs to show how COVID-19 spreads

May 11, 2021 • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Two groups of researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have published papers on the droplets of liquid sprayed by coughs or sneezes and how far they can travel under different conditions. Both teams used Sandia’s decades of experience with advanced computer simulations studying how liquids and gases move...
Grey figure with red and blue dots heading toward viewer. Time reads 1.04 seconds
Results 26–50 of 175